We are in the midst of my mother in law's passing. Shawnee (my MIL) has been ill for quite some time now, and the time has come for her to move on. Her sisters and all of her children are by her side to make the transition easier. Many friends have come to give their love and say goodbye. She touched the lives of many people and she will be dearly missed. She's always been so kooky and crazy and entertaining and even on her death bed she's making people laugh. I hope she knows how many people love her...and I hope they know how much she loves them. She will never be forgotten and people will tell the stories of her for many years to come. I love you so much Shawnee, we'll see you again someday. *hugs*
Rest in Peace, Shawnee OcConnor McGovern 7/10/47 - 1/1/2012. I know you're running laps up there in Heaven.
1 comment:
and when we meet again shawnee i will have the turkey and pumpkin pie with lots and lots of whipped cream..good bye my dear friend, until we meet again I will not take your place but i will be there for your children rest assured.
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