Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Heart ECFE.

We've been in ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) classes for about 4 years now. The site we attend is amazing and the staff is beyond phenomenal. The concept is pretty awesome. You set aside 2 hours a week and go play with your child for a half hour, one on one (no dishes, no laundry, no tv to distract). Then you separate and the parents go to the parent room for an hour, have a snack, talk about things they need advice on, discuss the pre selected topic of the day and most importantly, laugh with these other parents that you have been thrown together into a group with. After that you go for circle time and sing songs with your child(ren) and enjoy musical entertainment. It truly is a wonderful 2 hour period that I (and the kids) look forward to every week.

It's always so interesting to me, how 7-12 random people who, without ECFE to bring them together, would probably not know one another, get so close to one another. I have met some great people over my years in the program and I have friends from just about each group to this day. It's so relieving to know that you really aren't the only one going through something as a parent..or even as a a person. People from all walks of life that you may not even realize have problems.

This particular group that I am in right now have been...well, words just can't describe how much these women (and occasional Daddy) mean to me...I've recruited them as my therapists and they have stepped up to the plate without complaint. They have been there for me and my family more than I could ask for. They have shown me that there are angels in the world. Even now, as I am writing this, I am willing the tears not to spill. Thank you, Monroe ECFE Thursday morning class for going above and beyond for me. Thank you for making my Thursday are some funny people and I am so glad that I have met you. Know that you are appreciated.

That being said, anybody with children birth to 5 years old should really get into ECFE... your children will thank you. Enrich your child's (and your own) lives...
AND!! If you are already in or have been in ECFE and love the program, please, send a holiday card or even just a letter to let the St. Paul school board and Superintendent know how important they are to you!!!

Send a card to "Superintendent Valeria" and as many school board members as you can
*John Brodrick *Kazoua Kong-Thao *Anne Carroll *Mary Doran *Jean O'Connell
*Louise Seeba *Keith Hardy *Elona Street-Stewart

All mail should be sent to the main office:
Saint Paul Public Schools-#625
360 Colborne Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102

Thank you for your support!!!

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