Monday, December 19, 2011

About a year ago Eoghan was "diagnosed" with Motor Sensory Integration Disorder ( Since then, I've been struggling to get help with it. We saw one psychiatrist that was a moron and referred me to another doctor through United (because he thought it was a classic case of ADD/ADHD and since Eoghan was only 4 at the time he couldn't be legally diagnosed by him), but that doc wasn't accepting new patients. Hello brick wall. Somehow, I got in touch with the Wilder Foundation and meet a couple of great women who helped me get pointed in the right direction. It always helps to have somebody listen to you and understand what you're going through. They got me set up with occupational therapy to see if that would help (not really, at least not in the ways we wanted it to). We finally got an appointment with the psychiatrist at Wilder, and of course on the day of our appointment Eoghan was very ill (was in the ER the day before) and was breaking out with a rash over his entire body as we watched him. The doc said "I don't see anything extraordinary going on." I wanted to cry...I felt like the guy didn't even want to hear about what I had been going through and that just because Eoghan didn't exhibit any signs to him I was being brushed off. He told me to come back when he started school in the fall. Well, a couple months ago, we got back in with the guy (who is a complete antisocial person...fitting for a person that deals with people for a living eh?) and at that appointment, I left more confused than when I went in. He sent me home with a webmd printout of a medication that we MIGHT CONSIDER getting Eoghan on and some forms for his teacher to fill out. This afternoon I received a phone call from his nurse that they received the paperwork and that we should get back in with the doc and see about medication. (I know there are people that are not fans of medicating children. I appreciate your stance, but I am not open to argument :D) I almost cried with joy. FINALLY, after many months of tears, fighting, anger and confusion, I am getting somewhere. Next week we have an appointment scheduled and we will likely be prescribed medication. I am hoping that in a month or so I will be able to update that things have dramatically improved around here. **fingers crossed**

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