Friday, January 27, 2012
Addicted to Altering.
Earlier this week I got my lip pierced at Rose of No Man's Land tattoo and piercing parlor. I am back to being addicted to altering my body. I've got 4 tattoos and have had a few different piercings over the years. After I got my lip done, I felt like everyone was staring at me. I know it's mostly in my head...but when I look in the mirror, I look off to myself. I've wanted to get it done for years and now that I have, I regret it? Maybe I don't...I don't know. I'm hoping that once it's healed enough to put in a stud I'll like the look more. I guess this is the "adult" part of me thinking maybe I'm too old to do this sorta thing to my body. Maybe I outgrew the piercing part of life.
I have not, however, grown out of the tattoo phase. That is one that I don't think I will outgrow, at least not any time soon. I have so many tats that I want to I only need to find the money to do it. I also need to find a good artist that can help me put some of my ideas to paper. I have some fantastic images in my head that I can't seem to verbalize properly. It's so frustrating. I am planning to (hoping to I should say) get a tat while I'm down in Florida. After my last tattoo experience where the shop was no longer in business when I went to go back for a touch up on my horseshoe, I am kind wary though. I am still itching for it though. Tattoos and child birth are the most beautiful pain lol.
My cousins posted this video recently called "Shit People Say to Tattooed People" and the "Tattoo Locations" picture...both made me giggle. I have a teal,purple/orange (it's in between both spots lol), red and pink. The calves are not covered..but I will have some there eventually too. Thank you picture for summing up "who I am".
Monday, January 23, 2012
The other night Jim asked me what makes a happy marriage and why we have a such a good one. Aside from the fact that I think we're soul mates, we're lucky. Lucky that we found people so perfect for us (well, aside from the whole "he wants a clean house and I hate to clean" thing, but still...). Maybe it's mean, but when I see people who have an obviously not so great relationship, I can't help but think of how grateful I am to have Jim. He's my best friend as well as my husband. We've been together for almost 9 years and we're still going strong. We haven't lost that spark. He puts up with a lot of crap from me (and Bob knows I put up with tons from him :KIDDING:) and he still loves me. He loves me even though I'm fat. He watches girly movies with me. He rubs my feet just because. He lets me sleep in. I gives me anything I ask for and more. He flatters me constantly. He treats me with respect. He makes me laugh. He listens to me whine. He plays "Boggle" with me even though he hates it. He is everything I could ever want. Did I mention that he's gorgeous and smart and funny and witty and wonderful? I think it's so easy for people to forget why they fell in love with their partners. Why not take a step back and write a list of all the reasons you love them. And if you truly aren't happy, you can change it. Everyone deserves to be happy and loved for who they are.
Jimmy, I love you so much. Thanks for being you.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Finding Me-mo.
When I started having babies, I was 19. I can almost remember what it was like to have just one child...I remember the day I went home from the hospital with Lily. Within an hour, I called Jim crying and begging him to come home. Then my mom came over and helped me out and I was able to survive the dreaded first day (thanks again mom, I will never forget that day...and I still have the night gown you brought me!!). 18 months later, Eoghan was born. It was easier than I thought it would be (stop laughing, it was!!). For years I barely spent any time away from my children and chose for it to be that way. Now, it's been 6 years since I started having children and I had 3 of them in 4 years (I keep thinking "that can't be right, that's just insane!!" but it is indeed correct). Fiona is now 2 years old and a little human that doesn't need me the way she did a year ago.
So now I no longer have to focus so hard on my children. Of course I am always Mom (and a damn fine one at that-just toot my own horn-toot, toot), but none of them are nursing, they eat real food and can communicate what they want/need. Now at 26, I get to focus a little more on myself and my identity outside of motherhood. Who do I want to be? How do you be more than just one person? I'm having a hard time separating everything from the children. It's like on TV, when the parents go out for date night and end up talking about the kids the entire time and mom sneaks off to call the sitter, then dad sneaks off to call the sitter and they leave early to go home to be with the little ones. I want to be able to go out and not talk about the kids. I want to do something adult oriented. See a movie that isn't G rated. Go to a museum that doesn't have a slide in every room. Get dressed up for something other than a wedding or funeral. Have something on the calendar that isn't for Lily, Eoghan or Fiona.
I would like to invest more time into my relationship with my husband. We've got a great marriage (at least I think so) and I'm beyond happy, but I want more "us" time. Time to be really together and not in Mommy/Daddy mode.
I can't wait for 2 years from now when Fiona starts school and all 3 of them are gone during the day. I am already thinking of all the things I will do with my time. I've decided that the very first day, I will get them out the door then go back to bed until it's time for them to come home. Mmmm...that sounds awesome. Maybe I'll go to school. Maybe I'll get a job. Maybe I'll have a clean house!! Maybe, I'll be lonely. I'm excited to find out just what I will be..WHO I will be. I'll be able to go grocery shopping in the day time by myself...oh man...I am giddy with anticipation lol.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Idiot drivers.
While driving home today, I encountered a moron that apparently missed "blinker" day in driver's ed. It made me think of all the eff tards that are out there can't drive for crap. It's funny, because you can tell if a person is a bad driver by how they push their cart in the grocery store. Seriously, grocery shopping is kinda like driving...I always stop at the end of an aisle and inch my way around the corner because I don't want to cut anyone off. Those exiting a lane have to do NOT have the right of way. I understand road (and shopping) rage...thankfully I am able to control my homicidal urges on the road better than some *coughmyhusbandcough*...but the day is coming that surely, I will snap and crash into someone that deserves it.
That brings me to my list of "Come On People!!":
*STOP at STOP SIGNS!!! Stop BEFORE the sign...or at the very least stop with the front of your car lined up to the stop sign. Don't stop after the stop kinda defeats the freaking purpose. People that are actually paying attention see you stopping at the corner, not the stop sign and it scares them (okay, this "them" is really ME) because it doesn't look like you are going to stop at all.
*If the yield sign is facing you, that means that YOU have to yield. Yield means that you have to STOP and WAIT for me to go first because I have the right of way.
*Get off your f*&king phone! Texting while driving is against the law and a very stupid idea. The problem is, you won't kill yourself, you'll kill me or my children, because that is the weird way of the universe. If you are driving like an idiot and I notice that you are talking on the phone and I drive past you yelling at you to "GET OFF YOUR F*&ING PHONE", you are not able to multitask in this way. Hang up and drive.
*Get off of my ass. I'm not one of those people that drives under the speed fact I usually go 5 miles faster than the speed limit (shh, don't tell my insurance company or the police), so I do not feel bad when you are an idiot going 20 over the limit and don't know how to go the flip around me. This especially pisses me off when there isn't anybody else in the lane next to me. I was here first, YOU switch lanes butthole!!
*USE YOUR BLINKER!! You know, that signal, that signals to me that you are going to turn or get over? Yeah, well, it's not for's for other drivers. When you use that little blinky yellow light, I know that you want to move from your current position on the road and I will either speed up or slow down to allow for that to happen...don't just get that dirty ass look on your face like "Why won't you let me over?!??!?" You're a moron and I hate you...use your blinker.
*Turn down your thumping music. It's so damn annoying when I can feel YOUR bass in MY car. Turn it down and enjoy your music...
*Buckle your children into car seats if they are under the age and size requirements of the law. I call the police on people that do not have their children properly restrained. Too many times I have actually seen people holding infants in their arms while driving. Your children deserve to live...your stupidity and/or laziness should not threaten their lives. And if it's a matter of cost, contact the state. There are programs that will help you get car seats at no cost to you.
If you fail to do these things, I will flip you the bird and/or mutter obscenities and threats at you. Try not to piss me off. :)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Eff you and eff her too.
Ever wish that you could change stuff about yourself and realize that it's just too hard to do? Kinda makes me wanna poke the ambitious "I changed my life" people in the eye. I guess my main problem is my lack of motivation lol. I keep trying to fix that, but as of yet, it hasn't worked. And that is where it all falls apart. It's so much easier not to change anything and keep living the way you're used to. I guess that's where self esteem and all that jazz comes into play. Even when I think of all the crap about myself I'd like to change, I have to admit that I think I'm pretty much the bees knees.
Sometimes I say things that are totally inappropriate, mildly offensive or blatantly "just wrong"...but usually when I say these things, it is to entertain and make someone laugh. I have to say that 98% of the time, it works famously. My sincere apologies to the other bad.
I'm fat. I eat too much, exercise too little and wear clothes that are too snug. Here's the thing though...the hubby loves the bod, so I gotta keep him happy. I give the "not really fat, fat girls" their "it could be worse" fix.
My house is a mess and I hate to clean. THIS just gives all of the rude people I know something to tell everyone else about me. I've heard "wow, your house is a mess" more times than I can remember. Well there are two things you can do: clean it or leave. :)
I'm too passive. BUT I keep the peace because instead of telling you how much I want to punch you in the face, I'll just bite my tongue and smile.
In conclusion, I may fail a little bit, but in the end, I'm a big old bowl of "I don't care, I'm still freaking awesome." Don't like it? Don't care. :)
Sunday, January 01, 2012
It's so hard to say "Goodbye".
We are in the midst of my mother in law's passing. Shawnee (my MIL) has been ill for quite some time now, and the time has come for her to move on. Her sisters and all of her children are by her side to make the transition easier. Many friends have come to give their love and say goodbye. She touched the lives of many people and she will be dearly missed. She's always been so kooky and crazy and entertaining and even on her death bed she's making people laugh. I hope she knows how many people love her...and I hope they know how much she loves them. She will never be forgotten and people will tell the stories of her for many years to come. I love you so much Shawnee, we'll see you again someday. *hugs*
Rest in Peace, Shawnee OcConnor McGovern 7/10/47 - 1/1/2012. I know you're running laps up there in Heaven.
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