As most know, we've been dealing with some intense eye issues with Fiona for the past 2 weeks or so. Started out that the docs said it's migraines and after a trip to the ER, some tylenol 3 and a "Maybe go see an eye dog? *shrug*" and we were sent on our way. After a few days of constant meds and ZERO improvement and her left eye swelling up something awful, I brought her back to the ER. This time, I was not leaving without some answers. So, we waited a couple hours to be seen and the first thing the doc says is "well, with migraines in children..." Stop right there. Wrong answer. Try another idea. She went to get her boss and they put some funky glow under black light eye drops into her eyes and checked them out with a blacklightoscope (like that?). They drew a pic of "her eye", showing the spot that they were seeing on it. Turns out it's a similar injury to what they see in welders...then asked "did she get metal in her eye?" Um, really? Like that wouldn't be my opening line 'so she got metal shrapnel in her eye...' So new diagnosis, injury to eye that isn't healing. Put some goopy meds into her eye 3 times a day for 7 days, go to the eye doc and *fingers crossed* :voila:? We'll see how tomorrow goes.
Eoghan had his psychiatrist appointment today. In case I haven't mentioned it before, I really don't like this guy. He's such a jerk and so impersonal. After an awkward conversation of "well, his school said he's not that bad there...but if you really can't handle it...we can medicate. I'm just worried you'll be let down if it doesn't help". I wanted to slap the man. I swear it's not just me. I'm not the only person that has seen Eoghan get out of control. I need a new doc. So if anyone knows a good child psychiatrist, in the area, let me know! That being said, Eoghan was prescribed a medication..I've never heard of it before (starts with a T), and I'm hoping it will help. Update in a few weeks when we go back to see the jerky shrink.
I recently started on a new antidepressant, Fluoxetine (generic Prozac) and while it hasn't helped 100% with the depression/anxiety issues, it's helped with my hunger! The stuff is awesome. Apparently the average fatty loses about 7.4 pounds with it. Snap! lol. I'm ready to get my head back together though, and stop the severe mood swings.
Anyway...that's all I can think of for now. Thinking some Sudafed for my stupid sinuses is in order (just to keep with the theme of the post, I figured I'd share lol). Chow homies.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Sweet addiction.

*wave* Hi, I'm Jen and I'm addicted to Junk FM. No, seriously. The boys of Junk FM (Mo, Tyler, George and Chris) make up the BEST cover band I have ever seen. They play a little bit of everything (Gaga, Outkast, Cheap Trick, Michael Jackson, John Michael Montgomery, David Lee Murphy and much, much more), they play it well and they have fun doing it. It doesn't hurt that they're super sweet and pretty cute (shh, don't tell my husband I said that). My only problem is that when I go to see them, I end up spending too much money, getting too drunk and dancing too foolishly (no, seriously, it's bad lol). My nights out are reserved solely for going to see this band...I'm sure everyone I've met has heard me rave about them. I even had a t-shirt made to show my support!! Anywho, if you're looking for an unforgettable night out, you must check them out Tell them I sent you...maybe if I recruit enough followers, they'll learn a Montgomery Gentry song for me. (Last night they did a quick learn of Keith Urban, and it was AWWWWWESOME! :D Thanks again boys for a fun evening...I look forward to my next hangover. Much love, the not creepy stalker fan.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
I Heart ECFE.
We've been in ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) classes for about 4 years now. The site we attend is amazing and the staff is beyond phenomenal. The concept is pretty awesome. You set aside 2 hours a week and go play with your child for a half hour, one on one (no dishes, no laundry, no tv to distract). Then you separate and the parents go to the parent room for an hour, have a snack, talk about things they need advice on, discuss the pre selected topic of the day and most importantly, laugh with these other parents that you have been thrown together into a group with. After that you go for circle time and sing songs with your child(ren) and enjoy musical entertainment. It truly is a wonderful 2 hour period that I (and the kids) look forward to every week.
It's always so interesting to me, how 7-12 random people who, without ECFE to bring them together, would probably not know one another, get so close to one another. I have met some great people over my years in the program and I have friends from just about each group to this day. It's so relieving to know that you really aren't the only one going through something as a parent..or even as a a person. People from all walks of life that you may not even realize have problems.
This particular group that I am in right now have been...well, words just can't describe how much these women (and occasional Daddy) mean to me...I've recruited them as my therapists and they have stepped up to the plate without complaint. They have been there for me and my family more than I could ask for. They have shown me that there are angels in the world. Even now, as I am writing this, I am willing the tears not to spill. Thank you, Monroe ECFE Thursday morning class for going above and beyond for me. Thank you for making my Thursday are some funny people and I am so glad that I have met you. Know that you are appreciated.
That being said, anybody with children birth to 5 years old should really get into ECFE... your children will thank you. Enrich your child's (and your own) lives...
AND!! If you are already in or have been in ECFE and love the program, please, send a holiday card or even just a letter to let the St. Paul school board and Superintendent know how important they are to you!!!
Send a card to "Superintendent Valeria" and as many school board members as you can
*John Brodrick *Kazoua Kong-Thao *Anne Carroll *Mary Doran *Jean O'Connell
*Louise Seeba *Keith Hardy *Elona Street-Stewart
All mail should be sent to the main office:
Saint Paul Public Schools-#625
360 Colborne Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Thank you for your support!!!
It's always so interesting to me, how 7-12 random people who, without ECFE to bring them together, would probably not know one another, get so close to one another. I have met some great people over my years in the program and I have friends from just about each group to this day. It's so relieving to know that you really aren't the only one going through something as a parent..or even as a a person. People from all walks of life that you may not even realize have problems.
This particular group that I am in right now have been...well, words just can't describe how much these women (and occasional Daddy) mean to me...I've recruited them as my therapists and they have stepped up to the plate without complaint. They have been there for me and my family more than I could ask for. They have shown me that there are angels in the world. Even now, as I am writing this, I am willing the tears not to spill. Thank you, Monroe ECFE Thursday morning class for going above and beyond for me. Thank you for making my Thursday are some funny people and I am so glad that I have met you. Know that you are appreciated.
That being said, anybody with children birth to 5 years old should really get into ECFE... your children will thank you. Enrich your child's (and your own) lives...
AND!! If you are already in or have been in ECFE and love the program, please, send a holiday card or even just a letter to let the St. Paul school board and Superintendent know how important they are to you!!!
Send a card to "Superintendent Valeria" and as many school board members as you can
*John Brodrick *Kazoua Kong-Thao *Anne Carroll *Mary Doran *Jean O'Connell
*Louise Seeba *Keith Hardy *Elona Street-Stewart
All mail should be sent to the main office:
Saint Paul Public Schools-#625
360 Colborne Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Thank you for your support!!!
Monday, December 19, 2011
About a year ago Eoghan was "diagnosed" with Motor Sensory Integration Disorder ( Since then, I've been struggling to get help with it. We saw one psychiatrist that was a moron and referred me to another doctor through United (because he thought it was a classic case of ADD/ADHD and since Eoghan was only 4 at the time he couldn't be legally diagnosed by him), but that doc wasn't accepting new patients. Hello brick wall. Somehow, I got in touch with the Wilder Foundation and meet a couple of great women who helped me get pointed in the right direction. It always helps to have somebody listen to you and understand what you're going through. They got me set up with occupational therapy to see if that would help (not really, at least not in the ways we wanted it to). We finally got an appointment with the psychiatrist at Wilder, and of course on the day of our appointment Eoghan was very ill (was in the ER the day before) and was breaking out with a rash over his entire body as we watched him. The doc said "I don't see anything extraordinary going on." I wanted to cry...I felt like the guy didn't even want to hear about what I had been going through and that just because Eoghan didn't exhibit any signs to him I was being brushed off. He told me to come back when he started school in the fall. Well, a couple months ago, we got back in with the guy (who is a complete antisocial person...fitting for a person that deals with people for a living eh?) and at that appointment, I left more confused than when I went in. He sent me home with a webmd printout of a medication that we MIGHT CONSIDER getting Eoghan on and some forms for his teacher to fill out. This afternoon I received a phone call from his nurse that they received the paperwork and that we should get back in with the doc and see about medication. (I know there are people that are not fans of medicating children. I appreciate your stance, but I am not open to argument :D) I almost cried with joy. FINALLY, after many months of tears, fighting, anger and confusion, I am getting somewhere. Next week we have an appointment scheduled and we will likely be prescribed medication. I am hoping that in a month or so I will be able to update that things have dramatically improved around here. **fingers crossed**
Growing up boys and girls are taught such horribly unrealistic expectations of how women should be. Every tv show or movie I've ever seen the women are "perfect". It's not fair that they're setting us all up for disappointment when we're older! They only eat a little bit, they don't fart, pretty sure they don't poop for that matter, they go to sleep and don't snore and they wake up looking like a million bucks. Well, thankfully I've got a wonderful husband that doesn't subscribe to that bologna. When we first started dating and living together, I was stuck somewhere between "I know tv is full of crap, I'm a real girl" and "omg, don't let him see that I'm real". Now, 8 years later, I get to laugh at all that false advertisement for women.
Boys (and girls), let me tell you how it is. Women eat...and some of us eat a lot (btw, it's okay to like big girls...more cushion for the pushin' and all that jazz lol, but that's a blog for another day) and we don't eat just salads...get us ice cream for dessert dammit! After we eat all that delicious food, we're going to have to poop...and some of us like to read while we do that, so it could be a while :D. Along those lines, we fart too...and not every time the dog or kids fart is it actually the dog or kids...have fun trying to figure out which is which. When I go to sleep, I REALLY sleep...that means I toss and turn, sometimes I talk, yell or sing, and I always snore. No really, I snore like a dude. Sorry, it's genetic, blame my parents...and those stupid snore strips so don't work. When we wake up, we don't look like we just got done with a photo shoot complete with lip gloss and fresh curls in our hair. Ever hear the term "rat's nest" yeah, that's what hair tends to look's like those "frizzy hair" Garnier Fructis commercials. Sometimes we look like a raccoon because our mascara has smudged underneath our eyes. That smudge of white crust on my chin? Oh yeah...we drool too. We steal your razor to shave our legs...when we decide to shave our legs. Even the skinniest girl has cellulite and stretch marks. Our boobs are real (unless they aren't which is a different story) and they sag a little (if yours don't, I don't care, just nod and agree with me!). And we sweat...some of us more than others...some of us sweat just walking around the mall...again, not one of those things we can control (I have considered getting Botox injections into my armpits lol).
All of that being said, we're all goddesses in our own right(and you need to tell us every chance you get how beautiful we are). We'll scratch your back, make you dinner, wash your clothes, listen to you rant about your fantasy football team and love you.
To my hubby: thanks for accepting my fat, farting, snoring, Lifetime movie watching, losing my mind, not cleaning the house ass. I love you long time. <3
Boys (and girls), let me tell you how it is. Women eat...and some of us eat a lot (btw, it's okay to like big girls...more cushion for the pushin' and all that jazz lol, but that's a blog for another day) and we don't eat just salads...get us ice cream for dessert dammit! After we eat all that delicious food, we're going to have to poop...and some of us like to read while we do that, so it could be a while :D. Along those lines, we fart too...and not every time the dog or kids fart is it actually the dog or kids...have fun trying to figure out which is which. When I go to sleep, I REALLY sleep...that means I toss and turn, sometimes I talk, yell or sing, and I always snore. No really, I snore like a dude. Sorry, it's genetic, blame my parents...and those stupid snore strips so don't work. When we wake up, we don't look like we just got done with a photo shoot complete with lip gloss and fresh curls in our hair. Ever hear the term "rat's nest" yeah, that's what hair tends to look's like those "frizzy hair" Garnier Fructis commercials. Sometimes we look like a raccoon because our mascara has smudged underneath our eyes. That smudge of white crust on my chin? Oh yeah...we drool too. We steal your razor to shave our legs...when we decide to shave our legs. Even the skinniest girl has cellulite and stretch marks. Our boobs are real (unless they aren't which is a different story) and they sag a little (if yours don't, I don't care, just nod and agree with me!). And we sweat...some of us more than others...some of us sweat just walking around the mall...again, not one of those things we can control (I have considered getting Botox injections into my armpits lol).
All of that being said, we're all goddesses in our own right(and you need to tell us every chance you get how beautiful we are). We'll scratch your back, make you dinner, wash your clothes, listen to you rant about your fantasy football team and love you.
To my hubby: thanks for accepting my fat, farting, snoring, Lifetime movie watching, losing my mind, not cleaning the house ass. I love you long time. <3
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Lost and Found Again.
Every year or so apparently, I decide I want to start a blog. I then rediscover this blog. Always fun to go through and relive memories and look back on where I was then. Funny how a year can seem like such a long time... Anywho, I've decided the world needs to have my thoughts and opinions forced upon it. I have so many of them y'know. Be very afraid. First real post tomorrow. Oh snap!
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