Monday, August 21, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Here are the pictures of the furniture. The maple and silver piece is the entertainment center. Jim was playing super Mario Brothers...awesome! The 2 pics with the dark piece is the I didn't bother to clean my crap off of it. Then, there's my fish tank. The fish are know you want them....
Monday, July 17, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Lily's finally 1!

Lily's officially 1 year old today! Happy brithday to my big girl! She got her shots today, and wasn't too thrilled about it. She's still not 100%, but she's getting there. Other than that not too much has been going on. We finally got Eoghan's ultrasounds scanned. Woohoo! Now I can put them into his scrapbook!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Lily's 1st birthday party!!
Yesterday was Lily's birthday party! It was a pretty good turn out. Lily got her first tastes of cake and chocolate! She didn't seem terribly excited about eating the cake...I'd say she enjoyed destroying it more than anything. And the chocolate ice cream wasn't exactly her favorite...she preferred the cone. Lily got a lot of super awesome gifts which she can't wait to play with...Jim is downstairs right now putting together her wagon! We got home from the party last night, and Lily crashed. We had to put her to bed early. She had a busy night though, so it was ok. Now I've got a gynormous mess to clean today. What's new!? Well, I think that's it for now. Later taters.
Thanks to everyone who helped us out yesterday. I really appreciate it!
Friday, June 09, 2006
birthday party preparations.

Today has been so busy! I baked 50 cupcakes, frosted and decorated them, then baked and decorated Lily's birthday cake, wrapped Lily's b-day present, wrapped Jeremy's b-day present, and now I'm taking a break. I just need to clean up again downstairs. Ooofta. I'm just about ready for tomorrow. Gotta keep my fingers crossed and hope it doesn't rain. Stupid rain. Thanks to Tareesa for being back up in case it does though.
Tomorrow is going to be so hectic. I have a nice list going of things I need to do...and it's still growing. I'm so excited though. Lily's going to have a blast.
Oh it's so awesome, she's walking everywhere. She's not crawling very often at all anymore. She's so good at it too! As cool as it is, it's sad too. My little baby is growing up! *sniffle* I can't believe it's already been a year! Boy did that fly by. I know that the next 17 years will too. Freaky...I'm going to be old! o_O Well, I think that's it. Time to get on the dishes. Later tater.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Baby kicks.
Felt the baby move again this morning. On the right side this time, that's a first. It's really exciting for me to feel him moving around in there. Reminds me that I'm pregnant. Yes, sometimes I forget. I'm not as big as a house yet, and Lily keeps me busy. I'm so excited for the next 4 months! Our ultrasound is on Tuesday (6-6-06, kinda funny) and we'll find out for sure what's growing inside of me. Is it Eoghan or Lacey? That's right, I said Lacey! And I can't wait to be a big preggo that waddles everywhere I go...that was so fun! I'm excited to take tons of belly pictures to compensate for the ones we lost. And we can't forget that the state fair is coming up! I get my wish, to be pregnant during it!! Thanks Jimmy! Plus, I'm really anxious to see how Lily is with the baby. Will she love and hug it, or resent it? *shrug* Well, that's all. Better go do some stuff.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Birthday craziness.
We've been trying to figure out what we're going to do for Lily's birthday. Let me tell you, it hasn't been an easy task. Now, after just about an entire day of ideas, mind changing, what if's, and hair pulling, we've finally got it down. Only 10 days until the day...let's hope that people get their invites in time!
In other news, Lily's now walking all by herself. That's right, no more of us standing her up so she can she stands up by herself (without any help from a table or any other tools) and walks around. It's so awesome!!! I think she really likes that she can do it herself. When we came up here to do our "computer time" thing, she stood up in the hallway and walked to the doorway. She stopped when she saw me, backed up and played a little game of peek-a-boo. When she got her fill, she charged in here giggling like a little freak. *sigh* I love her so much. I think it sometimes freaks me out just a bit though, that we're starting all over. The new baby won't be able to walk, or hold it's bottle, or talk. Or maybe it will!? How cool would that be. I mean, we are 1 for 1 with genius babies. It could happen.
Well, I think that's about it. Time to go into maid mode. Wish me luck.
In other news, Lily's now walking all by herself. That's right, no more of us standing her up so she can she stands up by herself (without any help from a table or any other tools) and walks around. It's so awesome!!! I think she really likes that she can do it herself. When we came up here to do our "computer time" thing, she stood up in the hallway and walked to the doorway. She stopped when she saw me, backed up and played a little game of peek-a-boo. When she got her fill, she charged in here giggling like a little freak. *sigh* I love her so much. I think it sometimes freaks me out just a bit though, that we're starting all over. The new baby won't be able to walk, or hold it's bottle, or talk. Or maybe it will!? How cool would that be. I mean, we are 1 for 1 with genius babies. It could happen.
Well, I think that's about it. Time to go into maid mode. Wish me luck.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
American Idol.
Glad everyone was pleased by the outcome of American Idol. It was nice to hang out with everyone...though I would have preferred different background noise. But, can't please em' all! Congrats to Meghan having her son last night! I don't know her, but wow did that ever fly by. It seems like just a couple months ago they announced she was pregnant. Goes to show how fast time flies when you've got children of your own to chase around! Well, that's it.
Friday, May 19, 2006
We love to spend $$!
This weekend we impulsively decided to trade in our Taurus for a newer Corolla. It's nice, but backward! Every time I went to put the car in park, reverse, or drive, I'd turn on the wipers! Then with Angie helping me, I was able to figure out how to turn on the head lights. Last night on the way home, I was still learning new buttons and junk...there's the little button with a double triangle symbol on it. I didn't think it was a button at first, until I pushed it in while Jim was driving. Apparently it's the 4 way flashers! Ooops. So maybe I've never had to use my 4 ways, so I'm not exactly familiar with the symbol. Yes, I'm blonde at heart! It was pretty funny though...good times!
We went to Angie's friends garage sale last night. Found some super cute baby clothes, and there were a ton more. Too bad I can't buy all of them. I spent $23 for a bag stuffed full of stuff, including several footsie pajama's that Lily looks adorable in. I remember why I love garage sales. I haven't gone to one in such a long time. They are awesome. I'm going to start checking them out this summer to see if I can find some good deals on stuff for Lily. And once we find out for sure that we're having a boy, then I'll be searching for boy's clothes!
Well, I think that's about it for today! Adios.
We went to Angie's friends garage sale last night. Found some super cute baby clothes, and there were a ton more. Too bad I can't buy all of them. I spent $23 for a bag stuffed full of stuff, including several footsie pajama's that Lily looks adorable in. I remember why I love garage sales. I haven't gone to one in such a long time. They are awesome. I'm going to start checking them out this summer to see if I can find some good deals on stuff for Lily. And once we find out for sure that we're having a boy, then I'll be searching for boy's clothes!
Well, I think that's about it for today! Adios.
Monday, May 15, 2006
One of my favorite things.
I love getting in to bed at night, and saying something that stems into one of those long conversations about nothing important or something deep. It's always nice to just hang out and talk about something other than life. That's one of my favorite things about being married to my best friend. It reminds me of when I was a little girl and I'd have a friend to stay the night. We'd keep talking until it was just her and I'd grunt "uh huh...uh huh...yeah" with my eyes closed as I was falling asleep. I guess some things don't change all that much. Ahh, how funny.
Friday, May 12, 2006
sweet surprises
Things are just a little sweeter when you aren't expecting them. I received a lovely bouquet of pink roses and persian lillies from a "secret admirer" earlier this morning. I bet my admirer's super hot...around 5' 10, nice dark hair, eyes you could get lost in, strong arms, nice butt...but I could be way off. ;) Thanks for the Mommy gift.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Baby steps.
It never gets old, the feeling you get when your baby does something new. It seems like every day Lily does another thing she didn't do the day before. Then when I least expect it, she shocks me. Last night, we were goofing around, and she took 3 steps and fell. I set her back up, and she took 5 then fell. When we finally got the video camera going, she was only taking a couple steps and falling again...but SHE WALKED! I'm so excited for her, for me, for my back. One step closer to needing that baby leash! ;) I'm only semi serious about that. Walking also means, she's closer to putting away her toys! Oh I can't wait. I love being a mom. Then Lily poops and I wish Jim were here! Now that I'm holding my breath to finish this, I think I better run.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Humane Society walk
Yesterday was the walk for the Humane Society. It went pretty well! I'm really glad that we did it. We had a really fun time watching all the doggies. There were even a couple cats, ferrets, snakes, goats, ponies, and even a baby alligator! How cool is that!?
Of course, after we finished the 5 miles, I was a little tired and totally fried from the sun. Slowly my muscles started to quit on me, and by the time we got home from running our errands last night, I could barely walk! I'm sure I sounded like a little baby, but I really tried not to whine. Luckily I've got a great husband that didn't even have to be asked to rub my feet for me. ;) Now today's a new day, and I'm still a little sore and very tired, but I'm content. I'm glad that we did this walk. I'm also proud that I proved to people that my pregnant, out of shape butt could complete it without even considering turning around. Hooray for me...and for Lily for being such a good girl the entire way.
Thanks to everyone that pledged us. We ended up getting $90 to donate. Not too shabby.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Burst my bubble.
The house that I loved so much is no longer a possibility. Unfortunately for us, someone else liked the house too. It's been stolen from us...that's right stolen. :( Quite a bummer, but I'll live. Now we have to look for another house and get approved for a loan. Not that big of a deal, our lease isn't up until September.
Lily found the pizza crust I left from breakfast and destroyed it. I wasn't able to tell just how much she actually ate...but she sure enjoyed it! So, instead of going to get the vacuum, I decided to give her a bath first. She's so funny! She had such a good time splashing around. I love giving her baths, it's so fun!
Tonight Jim's taking Lily to his role playing session and I'm going out with some friends. I'm pretty psyched. I haven't been out without Lily in 10 1/2 months. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining...just stating a fact. I'm thinking that before I have the baby, I better get out once or twice a month by myself. That way I'll be able to have some adult conversation once in a while before I have 2 babies running around. Well, one of them will be running around, the other will just kinda lay there...eating and pooping and sleeping. Oh I love being a Mommy! I can't wait for Euan or Eoghan (still not sure what Jim's decided) to get here. I'm so excited I could pee. But, that could just be the fact that I'm pregnant and have to pee all the time.
Okay, Lily said it's time to feed her again. C-ya.
Lily found the pizza crust I left from breakfast and destroyed it. I wasn't able to tell just how much she actually ate...but she sure enjoyed it! So, instead of going to get the vacuum, I decided to give her a bath first. She's so funny! She had such a good time splashing around. I love giving her baths, it's so fun!
Tonight Jim's taking Lily to his role playing session and I'm going out with some friends. I'm pretty psyched. I haven't been out without Lily in 10 1/2 months. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining...just stating a fact. I'm thinking that before I have the baby, I better get out once or twice a month by myself. That way I'll be able to have some adult conversation once in a while before I have 2 babies running around. Well, one of them will be running around, the other will just kinda lay there...eating and pooping and sleeping. Oh I love being a Mommy! I can't wait for Euan or Eoghan (still not sure what Jim's decided)
Okay, Lily said it's time to feed her again. C-ya.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Dream homes
We went to New Prague today to look at a house. When we left, I wasn't expecting anything special...and I even told Jim that maybe we don't even need to really "look" at houses anymore. As the time passed I realized more and more that this town was where I wanted to live. The people were friendly and the town is FULL of kids! I was so excited. Then we saw a little boy in a wheel chair cruising down the street with his friends who were on bikes. It was one of the most touching things I've ever seen. Then we saw the house's perfect. Y'know what it's like when you feel so...connected to someone/something/somewhere that it opens up emotions or thoughts that you've never been able to really experience before? Well, anyway, it was like that. Maybe I'm just crazy, and if so...I don't want to be sane. I'm so excited to see how things work out. Obviously I'm hoping that things work out in my favor. I love feeling like this! I have such a wonderful life I could puke. I've got a beautiful, smart daughter and a incredible, gorgeous husband that I love to death and now we're looking at my dream house...I tell ya, I'm happier than a pig in poo! Well, that's all for now. Think happy thoughts for us!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Things that make me happy.

I was just going through the CD's I have laying around now that I can play them with the new thingy Jim bought. I found one that had the video of our wedding! I totally teared up and started to giggle. It made me really happy to find that! That was a really nice day. :sigh: So, that made me start thinking about things that make me happy. And I've got a little list-
*cute animals
*satisfying cravings
* Lily
*America's Funniest Videos
*The smile on Lily's face when I walk into her room in the morning
*Montgomery Gentry/country music
*getting a letter in the mail
*hearing the new baby's heartbeat
*smelling Jim's cologne lingering when I wake up in the morning
*driving around with the windows down
*falling asleep with Jim beside me and knowing Lily's asleep in the next room.
*finishing a good book with a good ending.
*seeing a picture of myself that I think is beautiful.
Now I feel all giddy. Yay for happy thoughts!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Little heart and lotsa love!
We had our doctor's appointment today. The doctor is actually pretty cool. We heard the new baby's heard beat! It was very faint, but I could hear it. Then he'd move all over and you'd hear the scratching noises until he settled down. Just like his big sister. Notice that I keep saying "he" and "his". Well, when I asked the doc about my face<>, and he told us in more words, that we might be having a boy b/c boys tend to create skin problems!! Apparently it's a fairly good way of determining early on, b/c he said that it's sort of been proven. SO!! The baby is now a "he" to me. We'll find out for sure in a little over a month! Oh how exciting!
In other news, I LOVE any season but winter! I was able to wear a skirt for the first time this year! Yay!
Jason's out of Jail...again.
Lily just rolled off of the futon that she climbed onto...when I gasped in horror, she looked at me like, "what? Ta da!" and crawled away. What a turd.
That's it for now. I have clothes waiting to be hung up! Ciao for now!
Monday, April 17, 2006
First blog
Those who know me know that this is not my usual blog, but I've created this to support my husband's creativeness. Go Jim!
Easter was this weekend as was our 1st wedding anniversary. On Saturday we went to Angie's for dinner witht he family. It was nice. Lily was too cute for words. Having a daughter is so much fun!! Angie got us a "Happy Anniversary" cake, which was very sweet of her...and it was darn delicious!
Later that evening Jim and I exchanged gifts. I had a "McGovern" clock made up for him, which is the modern 1st anniv. gift. Jim got me an autographed Montomery Gentry photo...TOO COOL!! and it was paper which is the traditional 1st anniv. gift. Isn't that nifty!? Yeah, I love him. He's the best husband ever. :giggle:
On Sunday we went to Norwood to scope out the area of the house we're looking at possibly buying. Jim doesn't care for it for several reason's. I, however, liked it quite a bit. Sure, it's fairly far out...but it's a cute area. Maybe I'm into the "small town" thing, but it's not just that. The house needs some work, but what house doesn't? It has a decent back yard. Big enough for a little swing set, Lily's little pool, a doggy ;), and a nice grill!! And, of course there's the price. It's in, if not below our price range. *shrug* We'll find out though, we go on Wednesday to check out the inside of the place! ::crossing fingers::
Later that day, we went to my parent's house for dinner. It wasn't too bad...but of course, things had to come to an end on a sour note. We all know how Bonnie is, so I won't go into details.
Now it's Monday...and I have yet to begin cleaning this place. I should do that, I told Jim I'd try to vacuum. I'm off. Ta ta!
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