Thursday, June 01, 2006

Birthday craziness.

We've been trying to figure out what we're going to do for Lily's birthday. Let me tell you, it hasn't been an easy task. Now, after just about an entire day of ideas, mind changing, what if's, and hair pulling, we've finally got it down. Only 10 days until the day...let's hope that people get their invites in time!

In other news, Lily's now walking all by herself. That's right, no more of us standing her up so she can she stands up by herself (without any help from a table or any other tools) and walks around. It's so awesome!!! I think she really likes that she can do it herself. When we came up here to do our "computer time" thing, she stood up in the hallway and walked to the doorway. She stopped when she saw me, backed up and played a little game of peek-a-boo. When she got her fill, she charged in here giggling like a little freak. *sigh* I love her so much. I think it sometimes freaks me out just a bit though, that we're starting all over. The new baby won't be able to walk, or hold it's bottle, or talk. Or maybe it will!? How cool would that be. I mean, we are 1 for 1 with genius babies. It could happen.

Well, I think that's about it. Time to go into maid mode. Wish me luck.

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