Today has been so busy! I baked 50 cupcakes, frosted and decorated them, then baked and decorated Lily's birthday cake, wrapped Lily's b-day present, wrapped Jeremy's b-day present, and now I'm taking a break. I just need to clean up again downstairs. Ooofta. I'm just about ready for tomorrow. Gotta keep my fingers crossed and hope it doesn't rain. Stupid rain. Thanks to Tareesa for being back up in case it does though.
Tomorrow is going to be so hectic. I have a nice list going of things I need to do...and it's still growing. I'm so excited though. Lily's going to have a blast.
Oh it's so awesome, she's walking everywhere. She's not crawling very often at all anymore. She's so good at it too! As cool as it is, it's sad too. My little baby is growing up! *sniffle* I can't believe it's already been a year! Boy did that fly by. I know that the next 17 years will too. Freaky...I'm going to be old! o_O Well, I think that's it. Time to get on the dishes. Later tater.
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