Those who know me know that this is not my usual blog, but I've created this to support my husband's creativeness. Go Jim!
Easter was this weekend as was our 1st wedding anniversary. On Saturday we went to Angie's for dinner witht he family. It was nice. Lily was too cute for words. Having a daughter is so much fun!! Angie got us a "Happy Anniversary" cake, which was very sweet of her...and it was darn delicious!
Later that evening Jim and I exchanged gifts. I had a "McGovern" clock made up for him, which is the modern 1st anniv. gift. Jim got me an autographed Montomery Gentry photo...TOO COOL!! and it was paper which is the traditional 1st anniv. gift. Isn't that nifty!? Yeah, I love him. He's the best husband ever. :giggle:
On Sunday we went to Norwood to scope out the area of the house we're looking at possibly buying. Jim doesn't care for it for several reason's. I, however, liked it quite a bit. Sure, it's fairly far out...but it's a cute area. Maybe I'm into the "small town" thing, but it's not just that. The house needs some work, but what house doesn't? It has a decent back yard. Big enough for a little swing set, Lily's little pool, a doggy ;), and a nice grill!! And, of course there's the price. It's in, if not below our price range. *shrug* We'll find out though, we go on Wednesday to check out the inside of the place! ::crossing fingers::
Later that day, we went to my parent's house for dinner. It wasn't too bad...but of course, things had to come to an end on a sour note. We all know how Bonnie is, so I won't go into details.
Now it's Monday...and I have yet to begin cleaning this place. I should do that, I told Jim I'd try to vacuum. I'm off. Ta ta!
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