Have you ever just stopped and watched your children play and cried because you can't contain the emotions that you feel? I had a moment like that last night while watching the kids play at the Minnesota Children's Museum. and I couldn't believe how cute they were being, playing together and preparing a pretend meal for me in the restaurant. I couldn't stop the tears that ran down my face...and barely managed to avoid snotting all over the place. People were looking at me like "what's this lady's issue?", but I know that they would know the feeling if I explained my in public water works. Our night out at the museum was going so well...and we were so close to having a perfect evening...and then the fit hit the shan.

Yep, Lily threw a fit because she couldn't sleep over at Grandma's house. It could have been worse, but it was still horribly embarrassing and ever so frustrating. She was whining and crying and begging and whining some more, with tears streaming down her face, smearing the face paint that she applied to her entire face and then wiping it onto the sleeves of her shirt. What a way to end a great night out. Now Mom's mad and you won't get ANYTHING you want. Way to go kid.

Now today it's like...everything is backwards. Eoghan has been such a well behaved kid and the other two are out of control! Lily demanded I make pizza for breakfast (um, I just opened my eyes...I don't think so) and was a brat when I said no. Fiona has discovered not only biting but that the word "NO" is amazing. Fiona, do you want water? "NO!" Do you want an orange? "NO!" Well what do you want? "NO!" Stop saying 'no'. "NO!" omg...She has also taken to throwing herself on the floor, screaming, crying and slapping the floor. I need some baby sedatives (Kidding!!-mostly-)

I remember the days when I wasn't losing my mind. Really, I do. It wasn't until about 4 years ago that I snapped.
I guess I just can't wait until the kids are teenagers and sleep all day long...I will be right along with them snoring away the hours. Maybe once I catch up on all the sleep I've needed but haven't had, I'll be sane??? Here's to hoping. :)
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