Lily starts school on Tuesday. I am so stinking excited I could pee. I think she's pretty nervous...but I know she'll do just fine. In 2 weeks we start our E.C.F.E.
class begins. I am so ready for that to start back up. It's a great way to get Eoghan some interaction with other kids his age. I'm hoping that it will also help with Fiona's separation anxiety issues. I can't believe how fast the summer went by!
Fall is fast approaching and I am beyond ready for it! The leaves are already starting to change color. I am bound and determined to get some really great pictures of that. Apple orchard, pumpkin patch, sweaters, jumping in piles of leaves, apple cider, hot cocoa, Halloween, Thanksgiving, bonfires, carmel apples...so many things I positively love about Autumn. By far, my favorite season. Unfortunately, after that comes Winter. I am really not looking forward to that. I hate being cold. I hate the mess. I hate driving in winter in Minnesota. I only like the snow on Christmas. lol.
Eoghan was sick yesterday and was throwing up all morning. Fiona is very much a grump today, and I am hoping she's not sick. I'm not feeling too well either. I hope it holds off and that nobody is sick on Sunday. We're going to my aunt's house in Wisconsin for the day to ride horses. I am so psyched! I miss horseback riding more than I ever thought I would. I can't wait to get back in the saddle and free my mind up. The most therapeutic thing I can imagine.
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