I've made some pretty intense personal goals for myself recently, and I'm hell bent on seeing them through. So far I've made some baby steps...but they're fairly significant for me. Now I just need to take the focus I've put into that, and stretch it out to be a teenager step lol. I'm confident that if I have faith in myself, I will achieve my goals. Go me! :)
Today Eoghan and I made some pretties. I got $4 of stuff from the dollar store and put this wreath together...and Eoghan helped m
e make the plaque. We're very proud of our creations. My kitchen is loving them too. Since my theme is apples and farm animals(chickens mainly) and I love the Fall colors, it fits so well. I'm looking forward to making more fun stuff like this for other areas of my home. It's nice to do something creative. :)
I am so in love with this time of year. It's so romantic!! The leaves turning colors making the world so lovely and magical. The crisp air is perfect for fires, cuddling and hot cider. Apples are ripe for the picking. Scarecrows, hay bales, corn stalks and pumpkins decorate lawns and houses all around. Halloween is right around the corner...which means Halloween movies for a month. It makes me giddy just thinking about it! I truly wish it were like this all year round. The perfect weather-not too hot, not too cold-and it's gorgeous!
There are also a lot of birthdays this time of year. Fiona will be 1 in less than a month! I just can't believe how fast it's going.
It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with her! Yesterday we went and picked up her birthday present (yes, it's early, but the price was right now, and she doesn't care about her birthday yet), a Little tykes mini climber with slide. It's perfect for her, and she loves it! After that comes Eoghan. He'll be 4! He's so tall and so smart that you'd swear he's 5. That means that next year, he gets to go to pre-k. We're all so excited for that! I have a feeling that this year will be huge for him. A week after Eoghan's b-day is Jim's! I have to remind him that I already got his birthday present ...a bellows for helping him start fires in the fire pit. I'm thinking it will be a great night to get a sitter and go out for a date night WITHOUT CHILDREN! It will be the first time for us to go out alone since the baby's been born. I am looking forward to that!
I better get back to Eoghan...gotta cuddle up and watch "Percy Jackson"~
The school year has begun, and Lily is gone all day at kindergarten. It's such a bittersweet thing. I'm glad that she is able to be a little more independent and learn how to deal without me around. I love that she's learning and making friends. But poor Eoghan has been so bored without her here! She is his best friend. I think he enjoys the things we do during the day. A few times a week, we go somewhere and do something fun. Whether it's drop in time at "the play room", running errands or going to the library...I try to do something with him. I never really got one on one time with him b/c Lily was 16 months old when he was born. It's been nice to get to know him a little better without so much distraction. He's such a great kid. Today he said the funniest thing!! He was eating some applesauce, and I had kept it out because I knew he would want more. When he finished his 1st bowl, he said "I want more!" and went to look in the fridge for it. He said "Where's the applesauce!?" and I told him "In China." He then came over to me and felt my pants by crotch area and said "It's here!?" LMAO! Lesson for today...China is not to be confused with vagina!
Last week I weighed myself, and I saw that I've lost 8 pounds! Not sure what's causing it...stress or just forgetting to eat during the day b/c I'm busy...but I don't eat too much anymore. Sometimes when I do, I feel ill. Bittersweet. Hopefully it keeps going and I can drop a few more LBS.
Fiona is growing so fast... The other day she got her first pony tail. I just love little ponies on babies!! She's been experimenting a lot with standing by herself, but if she gets distracted she freaks out and sits down. She won't eat baby food anymore because she really enjoys feeding herself. Last night she tried eggplant parmesan and loved it. I'm pretty sure that she's been saying "Hi." But I'm not 100% on that one. I can't believe that next month she turns 1!!! The time just flew by! Before I know it, all of my babies will be in school.
As much as I love my life, I've been really stressed lately. The financial situation here is not good at all, which has caused a lot of stress. The hubby is going to be working an extra day a week, so we will only have 1 day off a week. I'm going to start delivering food for my brother and sister in laws' food delivery service
I really hope that we will be able to bring in enough money a month to pay all of our bills. I'm really dreading not being able to spend so much time with Jim. It's going to be so hard for me to be by myself so much. I understand the need for it, I just wish it wasn't needed.
Lily starts school on Tuesday. I am so stinking excited I could pee. I think she's pretty nervous...but I know she'll do just fine. In 2 weeks we start our E.C.F.E.
class begins. I am so ready for that to start back up. It's a great way to get Eoghan some interaction with other kids his age. I'm hoping that it will also help with Fiona's separation anxiety issues. I can't believe how fast the summer went by!
Fall is fast approaching and I am beyond ready for it! The leaves are already starting to change color. I am bound and determined to get some really great pictures of that. Apple orchard, pumpkin patch, sweaters, jumping in piles of leaves, apple cider, hot cocoa, Halloween, Thanksgiving, bonfires, carmel apples...so many things I positively love about Autumn. By far, my favorite season. Unfortunately, after that comes Winter. I am really not looking forward to that. I hate being cold. I hate the mess. I hate driving in winter in Minnesota. I only like the snow on Christmas. lol.
Eoghan was sick yesterday and was throwing up all morning. Fiona is very much a grump today, and I am hoping she's not sick. I'm not feeling too well either. I hope it holds off and that nobody is sick on Sunday. We're going to my aunt's house in Wisconsin for the day to ride horses. I am so psyched! I miss horseback riding more than I ever thought I would. I can't wait to get back in the saddle and free my mind up. The most therapeutic thing I can imagine.