As a girl, you grow up hearing stories and watching movies about true love and happier ever after. You go through life hoping to find your Prince Charming and living out the fairy tale. Sometimes, a person will get lucky and find that...some are not as lucky. Then there are those people who find more than that...they find their soul mate. Someone that is so perfect for them that that person can finish their sentences, says the things they think but don't say, understands them better than they understand themselves, and makes their entire life better just by knowing them. I am one of the rare ones. At a young age I met the love of my life, and have spent the last 7 years of my life living my fairy tale. We may not have a lot of money. We might argue once in a while about petty things. But we are happier than most people I know. We have a beautiful family. He is my best friend. There are so many times that I look at him and I fall in love all over again. I know that I am blessed to be where I am today, and I look forward to my happily ever after with my Prince Charming.
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