Anyone else have a kid that goes to the nurse every week because they "don't feel good *exaggerated cough*"? Or maybe when they get hurt, the limp or favor that part of their body for days even though you know they're fine? That's my Lily. She's a sensitive girl...emotional...doesn't handle pain well. She's my mini me. If someone in the house is sick or has a cold, she's in the nurse the next day "sick too"...but has no fever and the nurse suspects she's full of crap.
One time, we were at a birthday party bowling and she dropped a bowling ball on her bare toes. That had to hurt. She couldn't walk and was crying uncontrollably. Brought her to the ER and got x rays...doc said "nothing is broken, but it's probably going to be sore and bruised for a while." 20 minutes later, she's running around the yard at Grandma's. WTF?
Tonight she was riding her bike and fell...landing hard on her knee. Instantly it swelled up and looked like hell. She couldn't bend it at all...I decided to bring her to the Urgency Room and as we were there, the tears subsided, the swelling started going down...and she started screwing around with her wheelchair. Mom's been duped. Doc said "it's a little sprain." cleaned out her scrape and sent us on our way. Lily was miraculously able to hobble out of the clinic. Imagine that.
Why do I bring her in right away? Well, a couple reasons. 1, I don't want to not bring them in and have it end up being serious. 2, When I was young, I broke my foot in the most ridiculous of ways and my parents didn't think it could possibly be broken...and it was. 3, She's one hell of a freaking actress. Seriously...she needs to get into acting. Next time, she better be missing a finger before I bring her in! I'm tired of looking like an idiot when it turns out she was exaggerating an injury. Yeah, yeah, mom and Jim say "ice it and wait it out" but when they're screaming and crying in's not so easy. Ugh. I'm tired of being the chump lol.
I know she's doing it for attention...and it works so well. When I say "Lily, are you faking?" or "Are you fibbing?" She freaks out and asks why I never believe her. Well, she's kind of a hypochondriac faker face. That's why. Well...mama's sympathy is gone. And the trust is shot. She is the girl that cried sick/broken. She's going to have to earn it back. If she ever breaks a bone and I don't bring her to the doc for several hours and they ask why, I will share this blog post. *sigh* What an exhausting night. Time to ice the brat's knee. Later.
Friday, October 04, 2013
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Wow! Would Have Been Nice To Know!!
Lovely to find out several days after other family members knew, that my Grandma is critically ill and possibly dying. It's clear where my family stands in this "family". Clearly my dad isn't important enough to know that his mother is so sick. This is bologna. I see cryptic messages on facebook and even "pray for my grandma" and when I ask which grandma, I receive no response. You could have said "Your grandma, Jen." Something. Would you have told me if she died? How many of you knew and didn't even mention it to me. Not even a "hey, did you hear about Grandma?" WOW!!! Yes, I AM upset. How rude of you people.
Thursday Weigh In!
In one of the weight loss support groups that I'm in we do weigh ins every Thursday. So, every Thursday I'm going to update here with my newest stats! :)
My highest weight was 280...that's when I decided to have the surgery.
Day of surgery, I was 270.
Today, 17 days after surgery, I weigh 252.8!!!

On top of the 27.2 pounds I am down, I have lost a little over 8 inches over my body. I'm seeing the difference in the mirror. My clothes are fitting different/better. I'm shrinking!! :)
Today I had my 2 week post op meeting with my surgeon and he okayed me to move onto soft foods. Whew! Thank goodness. Pureed foods look like dog poop. For dinner the hubby grilled me some chicken breast tenderloins and I ate seriously 3 bites and I was too full. It's crazy! During my liquids weeks I couldn't imagine feeling full. Now I get it. I also now understand what it's like to eat a bite too much and have to puke! It's really working!
My highest weight was 280...that's when I decided to have the surgery.
Day of surgery, I was 270.
Today, 17 days after surgery, I weigh 252.8!!!

On top of the 27.2 pounds I am down, I have lost a little over 8 inches over my body. I'm seeing the difference in the mirror. My clothes are fitting different/better. I'm shrinking!! :)
Today I had my 2 week post op meeting with my surgeon and he okayed me to move onto soft foods. Whew! Thank goodness. Pureed foods look like dog poop. For dinner the hubby grilled me some chicken breast tenderloins and I ate seriously 3 bites and I was too full. It's crazy! During my liquids weeks I couldn't imagine feeling full. Now I get it. I also now understand what it's like to eat a bite too much and have to puke! It's really working!
Slowly but surely, I'm getting there. :)
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