Monday, November 19, 2012

Bombs away!

Yesterday was the big day. After hours of cleaning and then goes of destroying the house, we set off the "smoker"bombs to kill the lice and fleas. Thankfully my mom came over to help me out... I was lost.

So when Jim got home from work, we set off the canisters and headed out on our 2 hour adventure. We ended up on Wisconsin at a burger king play place...I can think of worse places to spend the time. After that, we went home and started in on the mess. Cleaning, wiping, washing... On the bright side, I cleaned out my cupboards and organized them!

Yesterday was also the final lice treatment. Lily and Fiona were both lice free!! After the massive after bomb clean up, I went to my mom's house to have her treat NY hair. We used lice MD, which I had highly recommended to me. so I sat for an hour to make sure it grooved just right and spent over an hour having my hair sectioned and combed thorough. All clear. Mom and I didn't get done until 1 am. I'm so done with the late nights this crap has caused. Ready for a nap today.

Today I get to clean some more and do a billion loads of dishes and laundry. But to get a mental break, we're going to the zoo later. Can't ask for nicer weather this time of year.

I want to end this entry by saying thank you to everyone who has helped me out during this mess. Whether or was combing my hair, giving advice, suggesting treatments or just giving me a shoulder to cry are all appreciated. It was so nice to know I wasn't alone. I now declare that chapter of my life CLOSED. :D

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