Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Family Time.

Sometimes it feels like we don't have any family time anymore. We only get 1 day off a week now, and Lily's in school for most of the day. Today, Lily is off of school, so we are going to enjoy the heck out of our day. At least I am. We're going to go to the pumpkin patch today and get our pumpkins...that means we get to spend an hour petting the animals!! After that, my friend offered to come watch the kids for a while so Jim and I can go out and enjoy some alone time. HOLY COW! I have some awesome friends!

Tomorrow is Fiona's birthday! I can't believe she's going to be 1 already! It feels like just yesterday that I was a huge preggo face. It's so awesome to watch her growing. She's been taking steps all over the place...but when she sees someone watching her, she sits down. Stinker. She LOVES talking on the phone...well, she loves texting on the phone I should say. She cuddles with an old cell when she goes to bed at night.

We had Lily's conferences yesterday. It went surprisingly well. Lily tested out in the 10th percentile in Math and the 11th for reading, but the teacher said she is definitely higher in the reading than the test shows. So that's good news! I made some goals with the teacher to get Lily going a little farther. We want to have Lily able to count and write her numbers up to 100 by the end of the year, and have her able to sound out words when she writes. I think that these are achievable goals! I told Lily when I got home that I saw a picture of her friend Ben...the one she told Jim she was going to marry...and she said "Isn't he handsome?!?" Oh lordy...I am in trouble! Hahaha!

Eoghan is a video game genius. It's amazing what he can do with a game. He's playing "Crash Bandicoot" and kicking butt! In 2 weeks, he turns 4!! It seems like this year took forever for him. He's so tall and well spoken for his age, that we often forget that he's only 3. I'm very excited for him. Now we only have to wait until next Fall for him to go to pre-k. He's so ready for it sucks that his birthday comes after the cut off. :(

Anyway, time to get outside and do some yardwork with the fam.

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