Bad parents "know" that they're the best parents out there and that they're doing everything right. There is no such thing as a perfect parent...we're all just human. It's hard to raise another person in general, but to try to be perfect is setting yourself up for disappointment. Obviously in this highly political area, there are so many opinions...and even more people ready to jump down your throat because they don't agree with your parenting style. Just remember:

That being said, let me share my stink with you!
There are people that believe:
There is some truth to this...but I would say more that when you're a good parent you always have your child/ren's best interest in mind. A good parent cannot possibly put their child first all the time. Sometimes a person has to put THEMSELVES first. Sometimes. Not all of the time. Don't lose yourself or put yourself last all the time. Mommy/Daddy need a break from that once in a while. This is where the above mentioned fb meme comes into play. Everyone has a bad day at work. This also applies to the SAHM/SAHD...a lot of adults go out and have a few drinks after a shitty day at work. Taking a night off to blow some steam is perfectly acceptable...as long as it's not every night and you're still back at work by the next morning, then who the freak cares.
If there's one thing I've learned in the past 7 1/2 years (and honestly, I've just recently realized it) is that everywhere you go, there are parents there that have been where you are now. Your kid is screaming bloody murder over that candy you won't let them get and everyone is looking at you? They're not (not all at least, there are still assholes in the world, sad but true) judging you...they're looking at you with sympathy because they too have been there. They're looking at you and willing you the strength to not give in. Be strong...but pick your battles. Never let them see you cry...wait until you get to the car lol.
I started calling ours "backpacks with tails" to make it seem a little less...true lol. The people giving you dirty looks for using these fall into one of these categories: has no children, has only 1 child and is not yet outnumbered, has never had to take multiple children out into a crowded public place by themselves while each child runs in a different direction or is a rude bitch. There are times and places for a backpack with a tail...like when you're taking two toddlers to the crowded zoo by yourself and you don't want to lose a child. Of course, you could also have a child like mine, that decides she wants to be a dog and gets down on the ground and starts barking and pretending to pee on things while you are holding the leash. Don't freak out. Laugh and tell your child how observant they are and how great their pretending skills are. For anyone who is still looking at you with that judgey "omg" look, I have one word of advice for you to give them, have you heard the word?
Don't ever be a DFI (dumb fucking idiot) and dress your child in something like this. It is sick and twisted. Anything that sexualizes your child or ANY child in any way, shape or form is wrong. Prepare for well deserved backlash and hopefully CPS on your doorstep. IMO it includes shorts/skirts that are too short, bathing suits that are too skimpy, thong and low rise underwear (seriously, who makes low rise underwear for 4 year olds? Better yet, who actually buys them!?) and sexual dance moves (nobody but child molesters want to see your child shake their ass like a hoochie at a dance club).
Last but not least (for this blog post anyway):
It's bittersweet that everything begins at home. Start your child/ren off the right way by teaching them respect for others AND themselves. Simple stuff, like: please, thank you, excuse me, you're welcome, I'm sorry. This is probably the best advice any person can give or receive in regards to raising a child...hell...it's never too late for an adult to strive to be better at these things. Show your children the way...you only have one shot at showing them the "right way".
Now get off the computer and go play with your kids. ;)