Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Fat Year.

This morning Eoghan had a doctor's appointment and afterward, on the way to school, we stopped at Burger King for some breakfast. The BK we went to is one that I worked at a couple times as a teenager, and I was there my senior year of high school (10 years ago). One of my coworkers was a woman I grew up with as a neighbor and we reconnected when I started working at the BK. So this morning, we go through the drive through, and the woman taking my order was the same lady from years before! I didn't say anything because if she didn't remember me, I didn't want it to be awkward lol. She took my money and when she came back to the window she asked "Are you the Jenny that used to live across the street and work here?" Yup, it's me. How goes it? I couldn't believe she recognized me. I've become a grown up and mom and gained a billion pounds in the past 10 years. She said I still look the same. Ha! Well, as my Southern friend says "Bless her heart"! (and not in the bad way lol.) This was then:
I was so cute and young! And this now:
Gross. I'm fat and old with a bad haircut. I have decided to dub last year "The fat year". This year will be "reinvention year". I'm going to get my fat ass in gear and make myself look and feel my age. I'm not even 30 yet, I shouldn't feel this way. Also, I'm done aging. I don't think I should be forced to get any older. Anybody else having a quarter life crisis??

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