Saturday, January 19, 2013


I have to ask...what's better than having a friend? Having a friend that loves to craft as much as you do!! At Christmas time, my home slice Leticia and I started making gifts for teachers, friends and family. We were crafting beasts. It was pretty epic. Now that the holidays are over, we needed something else to do. She asked if I was on Pinterest. Psh, no. I don't do Pinterest. I'm not going to get sucked in like everyone else. Then I went onto it...and was all like:
Dammit! I've been sucked in! I am in love. I'm thinking back to all of the bad ass parties I could have had (who else wishes they could have a redo wedding now that they have Pinterest!?!?), the things I could have made, the organization I could have had. I then laugh because, we all know how it goes:
I've started a few different projects that I saw on there, and I can't wait to move so I can get them wrapped up....and then start new projects. I was addicted to crafts before and never had time to do them...but now that I have someone to do them with, I make time...and when there's wine it's even better. Know how I know? Because I found a few memes on the internet agreeing with me. :D
So now that I've started this adventure, I can't seem to stop thinking about it. I'm sitting in the car, waiting in line, bored, not bored, thought of something to look up...There's a Pinterest app for that! THANK YOU PINTEREST!!! lol, yes I'm addicted. And now that I am:
So basically, what I was trying to say with this post is that you should FOLLOW ME!! Happy pinning ya'll!

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