Friday, May 24, 2013

Playing catch up.

I've been sitting on some blogging for a while, so I figure it's about time I get to it.

After a couple months of ups and downs and dealing with some serious bullshit and a crazy schedule, the Little Miss stuff came to it's closing weekend for the candidates. Friday night we had the street dance which was a good time. Saturday was the day of parades. It started off pouring rain but ended up hotter than hell and we all got sunburned. Then there was Sunday, the day we've been working for. The day was super stressful when the girls didn't get into the dressing room until like 10 minutes before they were supposed to greet guests. So all of the moms were busting ass to get our girls' hair done and dresses on. (Although it sucked, I was super happy to see everyone pulling together to help each other out. "Who has hair spray?" "Anyone have a comb?" I need bobby pins!!") We all knew that within the hour, most of the girls would be going home without a crown. I also knew, within a couple weeks and by the time coronation came, there was no doubt, that Lily would be one of those girls. When it was time for the crowning, I still held a sliver of hope in my heart for my beautiful little girl standing up on that stage. Then they announced another girl's name. If it had been any other girl, I would have been happy for her. But truth be told, none of the girls even stood a chance. The winning little miss had her "pageant mafia" to make sure she got it. I know I sound like a bitter loser mom, but, I assure you I am not. After the ceremony and winners were crowned, I went to pick up our things and a friend of the winner's "godmother" came in and said (I shit you not) "I don't know why you were so worried she wouldn't win! I mean, you DO run this stuff ya know!" Yeah. It took ever ounce of restraint to not say or do something I would regret. It just wasn't a fair shake for the other girls and I was pissed. Lily took the loss better than I did. I had to step outside and shed a few tears of disappointment and injustice. Lily simply said, "There's always next year!" Bravo, my sweet girl. In that moment, I've never been more proud of her. So, friends and family, put aside $20 now to "donate" to her next year. ;)

Thank you, thank you to everyone that bought buttons or tickets for the luncheon or showed up to the street dance. I appreciate you guys supporting Lily and being a friend.

Anita, thank you for your help every step of the way with everything, including letting us use your dresses. I know I drove you nuts with my constant questions and freaking out. I am glad that I had this time with you and your wonderful family. I owe you.

To my Mom. Thank you for always being a rock for me. You did so much for me/us during all of this (on top of "normal life") and only complained a little. The last 3 days of this journey would have been unbearable without you there to stand with me. I know the sheer exhaustion you felt when it was over and I appreciate the sacrifice. I know that I will never forget you being there and neither will Lily. Thank you and I love you.
 Now, onto the next topic:

Brené Brown. She does some TED talks about the power of vulnerability and listening to shame. Everyone needs to watch these videos. She has such an amazing, no b.s. way of talking that pulls you into her message so strongly. I'm not much for the self help type of books, but I will definitely be buying her book. Soon. I'll leave it at that...but if you watch the videos (I think you shoul it could change your life), please let me know what you think!!

Let's do a little gastric bypass update!

I just had my third appointment of six with the dietician. Halfway there!! I made my appointment with the GB shrink so he can tell me I'm crazy, but cleared for surgery lol. We're looking at sometime in October for the surgery date. I am getting excited! Next month I'll be going to a support group meeting to meet and talk to people who have had it done and compare some notes. I've been doing some research into the success and horror stories...and after going to try to find something to wear to the coronation...trying on 10 different outfits and looking through the entire store, TWICE, I decided right then that regardless to any of the scary stuff, all systems are a go!

Okay, well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed this installment of "As My World Turns". Until next time...ciao!

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