Wednesday, April 17, 2013

And I Can Vote Too!

My dad asked me tonight if I was "running my mouth on facebook". I was pretty baffled...trying to figure out what I said that would be considered "running my mouth". After thinking of all the offensive shit I constantly say at any given moment, I then wondered, who is trying to "get me in trouble". I say it with quotes because, who is going to yell at me? Last time I checked, I was taking care of my own life as a wife and mother of 3 children whose lives I take an active role in, a grown woman that is a productive member of society and guess what!? I can vote too! I don't answer to anybody but my husband who respects me and thoughts. I want to say for people who do not like for the things I post, unfriend me. Don't read my blog. Don't ring my phone. It's fine. But don't tattle on me. If you have a problem, call me. We can talk about it...but remember, I'm allowed to be myself, regardless of who YOU want me to be. I am adult woman, hear me roar, mutha trucka! :D

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