Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Getting Down With the Sickness

Monday morning I woke up with a stuffy nose and sinus pressure. Pretty sure I was dealing with a sinus infection, I hung around the house blowing my nose. Around 4, I blew my nose and my ears filled with pressure and needed to pop, but wouldn't. I tried blowing my nose more and yawning and then took to facebook to ask for help. Nothing worked. It hurt once in a while, like being stabbed in the ear, but the pain would come and go. Around 8 pm, the kids and I were cuddling on the couch watching a movie when all of a sudden my ear was killing me. The pain was so intense, all I could do was cry. I took some meds and hunkered down with a box of Kleenex. Thankfully, Jim came home early and I went and took a hot shower. It helped a little, but as soon as I got out, it was back to all out pain. I went to bed to try to sleep it off. Yeah, that didn't happen. I basically laid in bed for 2 hours crying like a baby. I finally got to the point where I would rather die than live with that pain any longer, so I called my mom to come bring me to the ER. Keep in mind that it's been snowing and is we are in the middle of a March blizzard that ended up leaving the Twin Cities with 9 1/2 inches of snow. I'm so happy my parents have 4 wheel drive in their awesome new suv...we were cruising past people in ditches and others that were creeping along the freeway. Anywho, we get to the ER and I go in and I throw up (thank you pain) and they bring me straight back to a room...I waited about 2 minutes before the doctor came in to check me out. Diagnosis: inner and outer ear infection. Wow, intense... (Google swimmer's ear, some scary shit) So he hooks me up with some pain killers and sends me on my way with prescriptions. I was going to get them filled at the hospital, but I wasn't going to wait for an hour and a half. The rents came to pick me up and we head up to Walgreen's. By this point I'm exhausted from being in pain and crying for hours and throwing up several times PLUS the pain meds PLUS it's 1 in the morning. The pharmacy calls me to say I don't have insuranc and the meds will be around $300. Hahahahahahahhaha...yeah, I can't afford $300...even if insurance does end up covering it after I file an appeal, I don't have $300 right now. So they call the doc and end up getting different meds, that are not nearly as awesome and bad ass, but they cost only $80...I'll take it! Let me just say, I'm so grateful for modern medicine. Tuesday was kind of a blur. I was on pain killers and sick as a dog to boot... Thank the snow gods for a snow day. I can't imagine going to get Eoghan from the bus stop while being so sick and loopy. I slept off and on most of the day on the couch while the kids watched tv and ate candy. My little Lily is getting to be such a big girl. She helped me so much with her brother and sister and taking care of me too. At one point, I was on the couch and I woke up to her putting a blanket on me. Seriously...I have some amazing children. Then there's Jim...who has been so wonderful letting me sleep and rest and be a whiny little baby. Any mom knows how much it sucks to get sick and how much harder it is to recover when you can't rest and take care of yourself. Today we got stuck going to the DMV and grocery store, which sucked the life right out of me. I'm hoping this crap goes away soon. It's cruel and unusual punishment to have a sinus infection on top of an ear infection. Every time I blow my nose, my ear pops and hurts so bad. I hear the meds and my bed calling me is time to pass the eff out. If this post doesn't make sense, it's not my fault. I'm tired, in pain, can't hear, breathe, taste or obviously it's one of those things faults. :D

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