Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fill in.

So much going on in my life right now...where to start...

Recently, Jim said I could go (I decided I was going to go) to Florida for a "saving Jenny's sanity" trip. We booked the flight last night, so in a month, I'll be heading to paradise. I'll head into the airport (have I mentioned that I've never been on a plane before? Never been into an airport?) and be like:
And then I'm going to spend a few awesome days with my home slice and her family, doing things that you can only do on vacation without children. (Is it weird that I was like "I don't have kids, I should go to Disney World!"?!? Because that thought really did cross my mind lol) I'm going to lay on the soft, white, sandy beach and swim in the deep, blue ocean (and hopefully not be eaten by sharks, stung by a jelly fish or sting ray or sucked into a sink hole) and then at the end of my time, I'm going to arrive in MN and be like:

 Then, after we bought a plane ticket last night, today I end up wondering:
Because of this:

For the past few weeks, any time I chew gum, it seems like the gum gets stuck between two of my back teeth. Monday night, I was at my mom's and it felt like my filling was falling apart or my tooth was breaking. I made an appointment and today I went in. Turns out that there was some decay underneath the filling that was there, and it caused my tooth to rot and eventually break. Sexy, huh? So the Doc was messing around and plucked out a piece of tooth and said "well, I don't have time to fix it today, so just keep it really clean." Um, say what!? I have to live with this big hole in my tooth and now that I know it's there, I'll keep touching it with my tongue and getting super grossed out and almost barfing? Yeah, thanks. Even better, is that he wants to put a crown on it. Pro? I have dual dental insurance. Con? Only one insurance company covers crowns, and they only cover half. What does it all mean? I need to come up with almost $700 by Monday to cover the crown, up front. I was also informed that our family bill was outstanding at $1,600.00!! After being transferred and told to try a different person/place, I got it mostly figured out, and we should be in much better shape, debt-wise, come next week when we all have exams and cleanings scheduled.
I now hate dealing with insurance companies and snotty ass receptionists. (not like I didn't before, but today was a whole lot worse than the usual crap)

Tomorrow, after another trip to the dentist for a routine cleaning and exam (where I'm guessing they'll tell me there's a giant hole in my tooth hahaha), I'm going to go for a starter meeting to start the process of getting bariatric surgery. Before anyone freaks out and tells me why I shouldn't do it. I know the risks. I know I'm "fine the way I am". I know there are other ways to lose the weight. But after considering it for a while and now hitting a little over 100 pounds over what I "should" be for my height.My BMI (Body Mass Index) is 43.5. A Normal/healthy BMI, at the high end is 24.9. I'm at the point now, where I need help to make the necessary changes. A huge perk to getting it done is that I have to quit smoking to have the surgery done. At least that's the kick in the ass I needed to quit. Think happy thoughts and send me good ju ju. I need support from any and all willing to give it. :)

We are getting ready to start everything for the Little Miss West St. Paul program for Lily. I'm so psyched for her. (which reminds me, Anita, if you're reading this, we need to set up a day to come try on dresses! We have spring break next week!) I keep thinking that I wish I knew what was going to happen. If she gets it, I'm obligated to do a lot this summer. If not, I want to get the kids into a sport or a camp. This is our first summer off in 3 years. I am pumped!!!

Anywho, that's enough for now. I've overloaded your "care".

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