Saturday, February 09, 2013

Decisions, decisions.

With so much in our lives changing lately, I've been wondering what's going to happen next. Over the years I've considered going back to school, but have been too afraid to really do anything about it. Can I afford it? Can I pull off the time I need to devote to school and home work? What do I want to be when I grow up? Now that 2 out of the 3 kids are in school, it should be least easier to find a sitter for 1 lol. So tonight did a little thinking, and I've decided that a career in vet tech is the right path for me. Now I get to bug every person I know that is currently taking college courses and ask them every question I can think of to start the ball rolling. I found a few different schools around the cities that offer vet tech programs...but I don't know anything about the schools. I know I've heard horror stories of some of the schools around and want to make sure I don't go there. What I've found is Globe, Minnesota School of Business and Argosy. Anybody have anything to say about those schools?? Do I think I could handle going back to school after all these years? I'm deathly afraid that I'm not smart enough to do it lol. I'm afraid of failing. I'm afraid of owing tons of money. But then I start to imagine the cool job I could get after I have a degree...all of the cute little animals I will be able to work with. The potential money I could save by taking care of my pets myself. So many pros...I need guidance. I guess that's why they have special guidance counselors at the schools to help the confused moms trying to get back in the learning game. Hopefully I'll get some input from anybody that reads my blogs and can help me out...otherwise...I'm thinking I'll be calling around to the schools and finding out some information. Eeek. Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Denisa said...

You can do this!! It's going to require a lot of time and effort on your part but as long as you look at the big picture, you will be fine...I believe in you!! You are very smart, you just don't realize your full potential