Friday, August 31, 2012

All fall down.

Last night my Polish side came out. As I was going out to close the trunk, I somehow fell (pretty sure I stepped on a rock and my platform flippy floppies didn't agree with the rolling movement and decided to roll me onto my ass, twisting my ankle/foot) and I couldn't get up.
I had to call the hubby on my cell phone to help me get up. I was positive I had broken my foot...the pain was excruciating. Thankfully, Jim was home to watch the kids and my sister in law was able to come bring me to the hospital. After x-rays, the doc and radiologist confirmed that I didn't not break my foot, but seriously sprained the shit out of my foot. Ice, rest, elevate the offending limb, ace bandage wrap and my "sexy gimp boot". So now it's the day after and the pain is still awful...except I don't have the hubby here to cater to my needs. Instead I have three little snots ready to destroy the house and ignore everything I say.
I've been begging them to pick up their messes and threaten their lives if I have to get up and discipline them and this is basically what I get:
I'm waiting on some crutches to come so I can actually get up to whoop their butts.
Have I mentioned that the fucking dogs AND kids keep hitting my injured foot!?!? So here are the things I need, if anyone feels like bringing them to me: a babysitter, some wine and a bed pan. Pretty sure those three things are all I really need today.

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