Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Like, like.

Lily hasn't even finished school for this year (her last day is Thursday) and I'm already counting the days until next year begins. THIS year, Eoghan will be joining Lily though...THIS year will be epic. She'll be going into 2nd grade (where did the time go?) and he'll be starting kindergarten. All day long, just me and Fi. Although I love my children, I cannot wait until September lol. I will look like this:
My house will look like this:
I will no longer feel like this:
As you can see, I have high hopes for the future lol. :) On a different note. The other day I was helping my mom to dye her hair. It was quite an experience. After bleaching it and dying it, it was suuuuuuper light...so we dyed it again with what she had available and it turned out pretty cute. One thing is certain though...I am NOT a beautician/hair dresser/barber/stylist. People cannot fault me for not knowing how to do something I was not taught to do. So when you want your hair to turn out like this:
And it turns out like THIS: ... it's not my fault.
Then there's Jim who wants me to cut his hair like this:
And it ends up looking like THIS ... I cannot be blamed.
But, for those unhappy customers, I will gladly give you one of these:

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